Monday, 13 January 2014

Not in Kansas Anymore

Hey Everyone!

Not that I have ever actually been to Kansas but the black and white to technicolor shift from Kansas to Oz is about the closest overwhelming transition I can currently think of.  I spoke before about how the sheer size of my new campus is overwhelming in nature but the classes are just as foreign to me.  HUGE (Billy Fuccillo kind of huge for those of you who get the reference) lecture halls have been taking over my life and suddenly I am longing for my seminar class of four people last semester.  Trying to find my way around the library feels similar to forging my way through an undiscovered jungle (I'm stretching it a bit but you get the idea) and I still have yet to find a place to Skype (doing it from my apartment is inconceivable due to horrid connection).  I have had no better idea  since arriving in Ireland than coming to campus yesterday and finding out the location of all my classes.  That was an interesting experience in the rain but eventually I got my bearings (mostly) At least I don't have that to worry about today and got to explore the Oxford-replica (but I like to refer to it as the Hogwarts building) on campus (see below).

Other developments in my life since Saturday are as follows:

1. In Ireland, it often rains while you're walking about and then gets sunny whenever you go inside - this can get very annoying sometimes

2. We figured out how to laundry in the apartment's combo washer-dryer machine (but it takes like 6+ hours per load)

3. I found out the hard way (via an ice-bath like shower) that we have to wait at least 10 hours after doing laundry to shower if we want to have hot water

4. Carrot-parsnip with ginger and orange soup is my new favorite thing to eat (it was magical and life changing)

5. It will take me months to get over what happened in the 5th book of the Mortal Instruments series that I finished yesterday which is alright because the next and final book doesn't come out until May (so maybe by then I'll be ready by then - not likely though)

6. Cooking with an oven that works only when it wants to is almost more frustrating than when it starts to pour when I'm around the corner from home... almost

Until next time,

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